Rules & Registration
Schedule & Fees
Friday May 16th, 2025
5:00pm to 9:00pm
Kick off at Fulton Park Fairgrounds
Mandatory Captain’s Meeting
Also happening on Friday:
• Cash Pots
• Babes Shopping Mall
• Food Court & Drinks
• NEW Live Music
• Judging of the Best Team Shirts (award given Friday)
Saturday May 17th, 2025
Fishing starts 30 minutes prior to sunrise.
(Time will be announced)
All lines out at 3:30 PM
All submissions must be completed by 4:15 PM
All top five teams must report to committee table (Convention Hall) no later than 4:30 PM for possible polygraph.
5:00 PM Trip Giveaways Announced, MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!!!
6:00pm (approximately)
Awards Ceremony
Also happening on Saturday:
• Babes Shopping Mall, Live Music, Trip Giveaways for Anglers
• Food Court & Drinks
Registration Fees
Women’s Fishing Tournament
2025 Babes on the Bay Rules
(Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the Tournament Committee, and all last minute changes will be announced at the Captain’s Meeting)
Photo credit Danno Wise
Tournament Registration
Tournament registration must be completed through the Fishing Chaos App. For app downloads, visit
- Acknowledgement of Hold Harmless – You must acknowledge the Tournament Hold Harmless prior to advancing through your registration process.
- Acknowledgement to Rules Review – You must acknowledge that you have read the Tournament Rules prior to advancing through your registration process. This includes reviewing the linked video below for how to measure fish for submission. Once you have acknowledged the rules and reviewed the video, you will be held solely accountable for your submission. If you have questions before proceeding, contact us at
Tournament Format
The Babes on the Bay Tournament will be a Catch-Photo-Release (CPR) format tournament. The tournament will be facilitated through the Fishing Chaos app.
This is a women’s only amateur fishing tournament. Your team may consist of up to four women and one guide/driver. The guide/driver may be a male. There may be only one male on the boat and that individual may not fish at any time. NO EXCEPTIONS! The team may operate from one boat only. All individuals on the boat must be listed on the registration form, including the boat guide/driver.
- Fly Fishing – The Fly Fishing division team follows the same guidelines as the conventional division EXCEPT only two women maximum.
Measuring Device
You will be required to purchase a 32” Ketch Karbonate board during check-in for the tournament. The price of the measuring board will be $25 each, in addition to your normal entry fees. The 32” Ketch Karbonate board is the only board that will be allowed to be used in the tournament. All submissions must be made on the 32” Ketch Karbonate board. Boards from prior years may be used, but must be in good shape and all measurement increments clear. NO EXCEPTIONS.
All tournament photo submissions must include the tournament token in the photograph. Each team will be given two tokens at tournament check-in, and token will remain unknown until that time. Each team is given an extra token in case one is dropped or lost. The photo submission must include the token in the photograph. NO EXCEPTIONS.
The team stringer consists of 4 redfish. You may submit as many fish as you wish, however each fish submitted must be released. The Fishing Chaos app will “cull” the stringers as fish are entered.
REDFISH – Redfish submitted must be at least 20” and 28” maximum length. Any fish exceeding 28” in measurement will not be accepted.
All measurements must be taken with the belly of the fish to the bottom of the board. In this manner, the measurements will read left to right. The nose of the fish must be butted to the end stop of the board and the TOP TIP OF THE TAIL of the fish must sit COMPLETELY within the black indicator lines on the board. You may pull the top tip of the tail as necessary in order to maintain the top tip of the tail within the black line indicators on the board. Do not cover the eyes or any portion or edge of the tail spot of the fish. A fish with multiple tail spots and fully distinguishable by the judges may be deemed acceptable by the judges. Please see photos for proper measurements. Fish will be measured in ¼” increments. The fish must touch and/or pass the ¼” increment on the Ketch measuring board in order to be entered as such. Review proper measurement by watching the videos.
All judges decisions are final and deemed so when announced by tournament after a final review of all placing fish in awards and/or cash pots.
Proper Measurement of Your Fish
Spot Pot Measurement
Catch Entry
Your catch must be submitted into the Fishing Chaos app. Your phone must have location services turned on your phone for the Fishing Chaos and Camera apps. If you are in an area that has no cell signal to make your submittal, once you reach an area with signal or return to the dock, upload your photographs to the Fishing Chaos app. Fishing time ends at 3:30 PM. All photo/fish submissions must be completed by 4:15 PM. It is the teams sole responsibility to ensure all entries are submitted by the 4:15 PM deadline. All top (5) five teams of each division must be present at the tournament headquarters (Fulton Convention Center) no later than 4:30 PM for any review questions and possible polygraph.
Catch Entry Review
All catch entries will be reviewed and approved by a third party tournament review team. Any protests in review of entries will be handled by Babes on the Bay committee members and a tournament review team member. All entries will be subject to a final review at the end of the tournament.
Leader Board
The tournament Leader Board will not be turned on until 3:00 PM. Leader Board standings will not be final until announced as final by the Tournament Committee following a review of all top teams entries for awards and cash pots.
Redfish Spot Pot
You may enter the Redfish Spot Pot. Submitted fish will require a photo to be taken of each side of the fish. All spots will be counted from both sides and entered in to the Fishing Chaos App. You must have a Redfish Spot Pot ticket in order to enter fish to the Redfish Spot Pot. Please review video showing proper submission procedures.
How to Submit a Spot Pot Entry
All contestants agree to take a polygraph test if required by a Babes on the Bay or CCA Board Member, or the Babes on the Bay weigh master. The test will be taken at a time and place requested by the Aransas Bay CCA Chapter. Refusal to take the test or failing the test will result in disqualification of the team. The individual taking the test will be determined by the tournament director.
Any angler and/or team found to have intentionally cheated in an attempt to defraud the tournament may be subject to criminal prosecution by the State of Texas including misdemeanor and up to a state felony and jail time. Any angler and/or team found to have intentionally cheated in an attempt to defraud the tournament will also forfeit any awards and prize money they may have won, and be banned from any future Babes on the Bay Tournaments.
All tournament participants have the right to protest the results or actions of any team. In order to protest, you must present your written complaint to the Tournament Director no later than 15 minutes after the official close of the tournament fishing hours. Unless a change is announced, the official tournament end time is 4:15 PM CST. Any photographic evidence to support your protest must be submitted to no later than 15 minutes after the official close of the tournament. A $100 protest fee must accompany the written protest and will be refunded if the protest is upheld. If the protest is declined, no refund will occur. The protest will be reviewed by no less than the Tournament Director and two other committee members. All protest information will be forwarded to the polygraph team as deemed necessary.
Any angler, who displays poor sportsmanship, violates any Tournament Rule (s), or any state or local game laws may be disqualified without refund or recourse. In addition, any act of an angler, verbal or physical, that reflects unfavorably upon CCA’s effort to promote conservation, fishing, clean waters, courtesy, and safety may be reason for disqualification from this and all future CCA tournaments. The Tournament Committee also reserves the right to refuse application of entry, with or without cause, at its sole discretion. Any applicant refused entry shall be entitled to a refund of their entry fee.
Fishing License
You must have a valid/current fishing license from Texas Parks and Wildlife to fish in this tournament. Fish this tournament according to the rules enforced by Texas Parks and Wildlife. Citations for not observing these regulations are very expensive. Any team/person receiving a citation during this event will be disqualified.
One Pole Per Angler
You can have more than one rod per angler on the boat or in person while wading, but you cannot fish with more than one at a time.
Someone may assist you in baiting your hook, casting, netting, and measuring. It is your job to “set the hook” and reel the fish to the boat or net. Your team mate(s), or guide/captain my assist you in measuring your fish and it is encouraged.
Fishing Boundaries
South of FM 457 in Sargent and North of the point with coordinates 27°09’48″N 97°26’07″W and a line running east and west through that point. No jetty (inside or outside of the rocks), surf, dock, walk-in or pier fishing. No accessing public waters through private property. You may launch your boat from your personal boat lift or storage facility. All tournament participants must depart by boat or kayak. See attached boundary sheet with the rules.
Altering Fish
The fish measured and submitted cannot be altered in any way. Tails cannot be cut, nothing can be stuffed in them, and they must be fresh and caught on tournament day within the tournament boundaries.
Fishing begins 30 minutes prior to official sunrise on Saturday. Actual time will be announced on Friday evening at the Captain’s meeting. Fishing time ends at 3:30 PM. All photo/fish submissions must be completed by 4:15 PM. All top (5) five teams of each division, and top two teams of cash pots must be present at the tournament head quarters, the Fulton Convention Center, no later than 4:30 PM for any review questions and possible polygraph.
All ties will be broken by the time stamp of the last fish submitted to complete the stringer. (Example: If two teams are tied with 100”, the team that reached 100” first will declared the winner of the tie-breaker). For individual fish awards, the first fish submitted will be the tie-breaker.
Tournament Committee reserves the right to refuse application of entry, with or without cause, at its sole discretion. Any applicant refused entry shall be entitled to a refund of their entry fee.
Catostrophic Event
An event that affects the normal activities/progression of the tournament. This will be determined by no less than three committee members. It may or may not affect any or all rules.
Entry Fees
$100.00 per contestant if entry is received by 11:59 PM CST, April 15th. Beginning April 16th the fee is $125.00 per contestant. May 5th, 11:59 PM CST is the last day to register online. There will be no entries accepted after May 5th. Entry fee includes 1 year membership to CCA. If you register, and can’t fish and want the swag bag, you must contact us 2 weeks prior to the tournament.
Cash Pots
The following pots will be available to participate in. All pots will pay 75% to 1st Place and 25% to 2nd Place. All ties in the Cash Pots will be broken by the earliest fish caught captured from the photo data. All Cash Pot winners are subject to a polygraph.
Captain's Meeting
Captain’s meeting is on the Friday night, May 17, 2024 at the kick-off event at 8:00PM CST. It is mandatory that one person from the team be present.
General Information
The tournament has a TABC license to serve alcoholic beverages, which makes it illegal for anyone to bring alcoholic beverages on the festival grounds. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Food vendors will be on the grounds Friday and Saturday.
For additional information, call Jen at 361-205-0182 or Janelle Weller 830-998-5989 or email the tournament at
Suggested Practices
As stated in the rules, all fish submitted for tournament entry must be released.
- Please handle all fish with respect and care, and use a boga or fish gripping type device to help handle your fish.
- Wet your hands before handling your fish.
- We encourage bait fishermen to use circle hooks. This will allow for fewer deep hook ups and easier fish releases.
- Deep hooked fish – if you have a deeply hooked fish, we encourage you to simply cut your line, take your measurement, photograph, and release the fish.
- Wade fishing – we encourage your guide/captain to wade the area with you and assist you in measuring your fish as your catch them for quick release. If you choose to retain your fish until you return to the boat, you are encouraged to use a “fish bag” type of retention system. These are manufactured by several companies including ForEverlast and Hook Set Marine Gear. Remember, all submitted fish must be released. Please release as quickly as possible and take care in your handling of the fish.
- Videos will be posted showing proper measuring techniques and do’s and don’ts. You are required to watch these as part of registration.
- Videos will be posted on how to use the Fishing Chaos app
- Fishing Chaos will provide a “practice” tournament prior to the event. The Tournament encourages entrants to practice with the system in order to familiarize themselves with it prior to the tournament.
We encourage you to visit for more information about handling and releasing fish.